
Monday, 12 December 2011

Story boarding - Horror Film - Research into horror makeup

Storyboard.jpg         Today my good partner in media Kim and her amazing drawing skills set out to complete our story board and here it is, whilst she was doing this I decided too research costume and makeup within the horror genre. 

File:Jack Pierce working on Boris Karloff.jpg     
Jack Pierce born Janus Piccoula
Jack Pierce (1889-1968) was the legendary make-up artist responsible for devising and applying the make-up creations for Universal's classic monsters of the 1930s and 1940s. These include Dracula, The Wolf Man, the Mummies, Werewolf of London, Bride of Frankenstein, Ygor, the Man Who Laughs, and the iconic Frankenstein monster.

While there are plenty of comedic behind the scenes photos of Pierce mugging with later Universal horror star, Lon Chaney, Jr., there are very few of the make-up artist clowing around with Boris Karloff. Most of the publicity shots featuring the two of them are straight forward shots of Pierce applying make-up, or at least pretending to, such as the two top photos here.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Free Sound Example Clips

Here are a few of the clips Kim and I have considered using over our title sequence.

&lt;object height="81" width="100%"&gt; &lt;param name="movie" value=""></param&gt; &lt;param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"&gt;&lt;/param&gt; &lt;embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt; &lt;/object&gt;  &lt;span&gt;&lt;a href=" Clang&lt;/a&gt; by &lt;a href=";

&lt;object height="81" width="100%"&gt; &lt;param name="movie" value=""></param&gt; &lt;param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"&gt;&lt;/param&gt; &lt;embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt; &lt;/object&gt;  &lt;span&gt;&lt;a href=" Clip - Ambience 08&lt;/a&gt; by &lt;a href=";

Monday, 5 December 2011

How to achieve a level 4!!!

The following information shows the criteria which my blog needs to meet to be awarded a Level 4 mark. This will be assessed at the start of Term 3 in January. It is something that I should all be aiming for, regardless of my target grade.

Level 4 (16–20 marks)
Planning and research evidence on your blog is complete and detailed.

There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations and mise-en-scene

There is excellent work on your script, storyboard, shot list and filming schedule.

There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning on your blog.

Time management is excellent - this is clear by the time stamps on your posts.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Free Sound - Introduction

Today Big P introduced to us a website

This is a great place to locate copyright free music and sound effects for your film opening.

Mr Henton also felt the need to take photos of us hard at work making our blogs BEAUTIFUL!

 Kim and I

Production Meeting- Casting


Today Kim and I discussed about casting for our opening title sequence, luckily we have decided to use more effects than acting so not alot of this will occur. As we are both Alevel Drama students we have decided to cast ouselves in the roles of Louise and Sarah the two main characters and the only characters in our opening title sequence

Lauren - Me                      OHH THE BEAUTY OF EDITING            Kim - Herself


Production Meeting - Location Planning

During a rather excitable trip to the cinema to watch Lion King in 3D, Kim and I walked through a dark alley and discovered a perfect location for our film opening sequence.

Its a perfect location because its very dark, gloomy and has a real eary feel to it. Its a broken down building that is enclosed by a dark woods. Its a very quite area so we will be able to film without having any disruption.

<div class="prezi-player"><style type="text/css" media="screen">.prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }</style><object id="prezi_vg3z_ok4qkbk" name="prezi_vg3z_ok4qkbk" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="400"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="flashvars" value="prezi_id=vg3z_ok4qkbk&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"/><embed id="preziEmbed_vg3z_ok4qkbk" name="preziEmbed_vg3z_ok4qkbk" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="550" height="400" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="prezi_id=vg3z_ok4qkbk&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"></embed></object><div class="prezi-player-links"><p><a title="Location planning - picture evidence" href=" planning - picture evidence</a> on <a href=">

Production Meeting - Script

We have a small problem with the script for our Main Task.
Our film opening,  has been scripted without any dialogue The only speech in the opening is right at the beginning, where the two actors say a couple of lines each. 
In a way this is a good thing because it gives us more time to focus on other parts of our Main Task and the overall effects of our opening sequence.

Scene1 - This will take place outside our seculded location , so we can have that in the background to establish to the audience where the film will be taking place. Here is a rough version of what we think our script will consist of:

Sarah: Hello and welcome to Project : Shadow! I am Sarah and this is-

Louise: *laughs* Sarah, turn it off!

Sarah: *laughs* Ok, gimme a sec.

While this is being filmed there will be relevant action but in the whole opening, this is the only dialogue that is spoken. There will ve a voice over 'Have you heard the rumours'

Monday, 28 November 2011

Things to be completed before JANUARY THE 4TH!!!!!

Today Mr Henton disscussed what HAS to be done before January the 4th!!!!

Script for your film opening set out in the correct way, photographed and posted to your blog. It would be a good idea to take some photos of you in the discussion, production stages of this too.

Storyboard for your film opening. This needs to be completed on the KBA Media Studies Storyboard sheets which can be collected from me or the reprographics room. Again, support the evidence of this taking place with posts detailing how you created the storyboard and the decisions you made along the way. The storyboard will include details relating to camera shots, angle and movement as well as sound and location. Don't just post pictures of the completed sheets, detail the process as it develops.

Location planning needs to take place. This should be done carefully and needs to show that you have 'scouted' different potential locations and thought of the pros and cons of these. Bear in mind things such as accessibility, lighting, etc and evidence these thoughts on your blog.

Casting should be detailed unless there is no evidence of a person at any point in your opening. Think about the casting process and how you can evidence this creatively on your blog. You can take photos but, perhaps, can also video your casting sessions or record audio of your thoughts.

Once all of this has been done you move into the LOGISTICAL phase of your planning. These means sorting out the what, when and where.

A Filming Schedule will detail what needs to be filmed, when you plan to do this and where the filming will happen. It will also take into account the props you will need to acquire for each shoot.

Before you actually go and film you also need a Risk Assessment and Shot List for each filming session. The former ensures you have considered health and safety risks whilst the latter sets out, literally, a list of all the shots that need to be captured during that filming session.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Aiming for Level 4 for Research and Planning

The following information shows the criteria my blog needs to meet to be awarded a Level 4 mark. This will be assessed at the start of Term 3 in January. It is something that I should be aiming for, regardless of my target grade.

Level 4 (16–20 marks)
Planning and research evidence on your blog is complete and detailed.

There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations and mise-en-scene

There is excellent work on your script, storyboard, shot list and filming schedule.

There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning on your blog.

Time management is excellent - this is clear by the time stamps on your posts.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Audience Responce to 60second pitch

Kim and I interviewed a range of people for our audience research its not yet completed but this is what we have to far.

Project shadow is about a group of girls who have to create a horror film for their drama group at school. They begin to film outside an old building which they believe to be a 'haunted location'. The film follows the girls on the journey they have as everything slowly starts falling apart around them.

When we interviewd a group of friends, aged 16-17 they gave us some feedback and said it was a great idea.  

Rachel Cowie : I think is a great idea its very typical of a horror film though, but i feel i could relate to the characters as could my friends, it would be a great film to watch with the girls  I also feel that the film would be something to remember because the actors used in the film would be of our own age range and it would make us more aware of our surroundings'

Laura Johnson: 'Im not to keen on the concept i think they could of been more creative and pushed the boundries more, maybe if you changed the killer into a ghost or shadow? as i prefer more pyscological horrors. Although i do feel having the a group of girls will relate well to your target audience.'

Friday, 25 November 2011

Opening Titles to Se7en

Sound cloud - How it works

 Signing up for an account!

Step 1 - Click sign up

Step 2 - Enter your email address

Step 3 - Enter a suitable password which you will remember

Step 4 - AGREE TO T'N'C's

 Step 5 -You can then fill in a bit about yourself, this stage is optional

Step 6 - Click upload and share ...

Step 7 -  Click choose files

 Step 8 - You can now upload your sounds!!! HAVE FUN!

25th November - Sound Cloud

 To help us record interviews and upload our audio clips on to our blog, Big P recommended Soundcloud.

SoundCloud is an audio platform that enables anyone to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds across the internet, in a simple, accessible and feature-rich way. From sample to symphony and soundbite to soliloquy, SoundCloud allows sound creators anywhere to instantly record audio on the site or via mobile applications and share them publicly or privately; to embed sound across websites, social networks and blogs and receive feedback from the community.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Uploading Videos - The Problem

Due to our school computers not being allowed to access Youtube and Daily motion.

Big P, has annouced that we should use VIMEO! and its here were we can upload,share, embed and etx videos. When registering oppt for the free one as this is sufficient enough for us.

Vimeos description of themselves:
Vimeo is a thriving community of people who love to make and share video. From simple moments to masterpieces, Vimeo is the perfect home for you to upload, store and share all the video you create. Your video's quality and security is important to us, and that is why we've built advanced privacy options, sharing tools, and high quality video encoding. So whether you are an amateur filmmaker, proud mom, restaurant critic, or just a guy with a cellphone, connect with Vimeo today.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Looking at Se7en

Se7en is a film about two homicide detectives desperate hunt for a serial killer who justifies his crimes as absolution for the worlds ignorance of the Seven Deadly Sins. I have embedded a video of the titles sequence below.
We simply see a character go through his daily routine as it seems to be. But by using eary music and amazing graphic effects, it gives the audience the feeling this is no ordinary human being.

The first name to appear is the Production company ( New line cinema) following this is - Arnold Kapoelson production then A film by David Fincher. After this names have been addressed we have the first two important names appear Bradd Pitt and Morgan Freeman suggesting these are main characters and these are the "money names" that will attract people to watch the film. Following this we have the Film title it self. Which is then followed by more names. Below I have embedded a timeline of the films title sequence.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Writing a film script - Drag me to hell example


Written by
Ivan Raimi and Sam Raimi


22 year old Stephanie Browne is jarred from a peaceful sleep as the alarm clock BUZZES. She hits the snooze button and plops back down onto the pillow. After a few seconds of pure sleeping bliss, she wills herself up. She moves through her Ikea furnished bedroom, past a "Hang in there, baby" poster and into the bathroom.


Stephanie turns on the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up, she looks into the mirror and with exaggerated pronunciation, recites:


There is no friction, with proper

diction. Good sounds abound, when

the mouth is round.


She catches herself on the last word, a hint of "Missouri

twang" slipping through.



Yawn. She slips off her nightgown and lumbers into the

steaming shower.


She opens the refrigerator: A half grapefruit sits next to an inviting slice of chocolate cake. She's tempted, but chooses the grapefruit.


A sunny Southern California day. Commuters speed by. Stephanie's FORD FOCUS pulls into the PARKING STRUCTURE, across the street from the BANK OF CALIFORNIA. She steps from the car, smartly dressed for work and walks briskly toward the intersection. The traffic signal changes to "Don't Walk". A BUSINESS MAN next to her, sprints across the street. Stephanie almost follows but decides to obey the sign. She looks down to see a little KITTEN. It rubs against her ankles and PURRS.


Well, you're a little cutie.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wednesday, 16th November 2011 Opening sequence ideas

Today we spoke about different ways we could go about creating our opening title sequence. We came up with a range of ideas and locations in which it could be filmed. Kim and I have found a perfect location setting that we feel would suit our opening title sequence perfectly.


Monday, 14 November 2011

The Art Of Film Title Design

Whilst sitting watching 'Deal or no Deal' on a sunday afternoon, Mr Henton found a perfect site for us to broaden our knowledge of the development of film titles. It is titled The Art Of Film Title Design Throught Cinema History.

Clicking this link will take you straight to the website.

Opening Titles Widing Reading

Whilest Big P enjoyed a sunday afternoon watching 'Deal or No Deal' he came across an amazing website. The Art Of Film Title Design Throught Cinema History, its very useful to look through in order to broaden our own knowledge of the development of film titles. 

Clicking here will take you to the page-

Understanding Opening Titles

Simple Black and White 

Sometimes the simplest titles are the ones that are superimposed on a blank screen. These are usually in white and over a black background. Since early films had no colour black and white was the only option. Using black and white is low cost and some film makers choose this type of title opening intentionnally it can give an old-fashioned authentic look to a film.

A good example of this is the Charlie Chaplin films, since title cards were the main method for creating a title sequence these consisted of hand drawn images.
Charlie Chaplin was considered to be one of the most pivotal stars of the early days of Hollywood, lived an interesting life both in his films and behind the camera. He is most recognized as an icon of the silent film era, often associated with his popular "Little Tramp" character; the man with the toothbrush mustache, bowler hat, bamboo cane, and a funny walk.

Titles accompanied by still images

Some of the earlier title cards in corporated hand drawn borders and other images. It was the start of adding more than text to a title sequence to make it more attractive to the audience.
The next stage was using still images as the background. This was the kind of title which was elaborated on from the white text black background combination. This effect cannot be ahcieved in camera, it requires combining different media. Usually a score accompanies these types of credit sequences. For example, Last tango in Paris, the title sequence combines the music with two paintings by Francis Bacon. These two images represent the two main characters in the film.

Titles accompanied by a series of moving images
Titles over a series of moving images can range from a simple view of moving clouds like the Wizard of Oz or it can be  a more intricate sequence of images that incorporate camera movement, like the opening of (To Kill a Mockingbird)  1962.  Most title sequences are accompanined by moving images and have music in the background. However, there is usually no dialogue and the maning of the images remains somewhat ambiguous until later on in the film. The images could contain a symbol or image which frequently appears throughout the rest of the film.

Title Built Around animation and motion graphics

In the late 1990's animating text started to become more popular. However animation has been used since the earlier days of cinema in films such as ( The Pink Panther 1968) the title sequence was designed by Friz Freleng was famous for Bugs Bunny. After the success of the film and its title sequence Pink Panther became a popular cultural icon and even landed its own television series.
The first film in the series had an animated opening sequence, created by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises and set to the theme music by Henry Mancini, which featured the Pink Panther character. This character, designed by Hawley Pratt, was the subject of its own series of animated cartoons which gained its greatest fame when aired on Saturday mornings as The Pink Panther Show. The character would be featured in the opening of every film in the movie series except A Shot in the Dark and Inspector Clouseau.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Script - 60second Pitch

Kim - Ours film is called project shadow. Our film is set in a small town in 2011.

Lauren- A group of girls have the task of creating a horror film for school.

Kim- They find themselves the perfect location to set there horror film.

Lauren- Unfortunately shadows are lurking, and they sense danger after coming across numerous dead animals.

Kim- As the girls head home, several shadows start to appear and the atmosphere suddenly changes.

Lauren-  The film follows the girls as they try to escape the shadows and slowly lose everything around them.

Kim- We chose to use typical horror conventions for our film as we feel the target audience can familiarize with our characters and the location they have been placed in. From our research we found that using familiar settings give the audience a bigger scare.

Lauren- We decided on a film rating of 15 as we feel this is suitable for them to watch our film. 
Thank you for listening.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Monday 17th October - How to upload our preliminary task to the imacs

In this lesson, we learnt how to download our preliminary task footage from the cameras on to the Macs.

1. Plud the power lead into a plug socket.
2.Connect camera to the Mac with a USB lead.
  Do not turn on the camera!!!!!!
3. Load i-movies
4. Once this is loaded you can turn your camera on
5. Change camera from movie mode to play back mode and select connect to PC/Printer.
6.Select shots that you want to import and click on import checked.
7.Select all the poster images.
8.Drag these images into the top window.
9.You will be told how much footage and how many clips you have downloaded.

Then get editing :)

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Wednesday 12th October - Various Roles In The Making Of a Film

We looked at various roles that create a film. Each one of us had an envelope with a certain role within the film industry from the director to makeup artists.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Disscussing Film Openings - Thursday 10th November

In todays lesson we discussed the importance of film openings and how to make them related to the genre of the film contence. We watched the opening of Se7en and wrote down the order in which actors names, production/distrubution companies, editors, stylists, and the many other roles appear within the 2minutes opening title sequence.

Friday, 7 October 2011

5th of October - London Trip

We started the day at 8.00am and arriving in London at around 10.45am. We then had a few hours free time to ourselves so me and Kim went to mcdonalds! We then roamed around to see what we could find, we ended up having a complete 4D experiance this is were you stand in a room and have to where 3D glasses and you are taking around london via the screen. You experiance the rain, snow and the smell of fireworks. Once we had spent time looking around we had to be at the Film Museum for 12.00pm.
Here we seen the original Batman, Superman and costumes from Harry Potter.
We learned that there are many costumes that are used in films. The Batman Costume is the detailed one which is used for close up shots. The Superman one was designed in not so much detail as this was used to for the more action type shots. As you can see on the Harry Potter clokes they are really dirty all of this was due to the making of the film and they did not want them clean as it would ruin the value of them.   PHOTOS BELOW.

After this we then had 45minutes for our lunch, we then met up again outside the london eye. From here we went to a Media Workshop this is were we got to create an idea for a film we then split into groups to created our films. Afterwards we was shown a music video by Elliott Tucker the man who was leading our workshop and he showed us was of editing clips together and adding effects in to make the film more appealing.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

4th October - Questionnaire

By clicking the link below, you will find mine and Kims questionnaire that we created

Monday, 3 October 2011

3rd October 2011 - Creating our questionnaire on horror films

To be able to get a good idea of what people look for in a classic horror, we have decided to create a questionnaire. This will be able to show us which different age groups prefere certain types of "scares". We are also including gender into this as we feel it will be interesting to see the difference between them.

To help get our information easier Kim and I have created a surveymonkey questionnaire. This way our 'viewers' can answer the questions quicker and annomalysily if wished. Its also a quicker way of put our data in to graphs, bar charts and allows us to analyze the results easier.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Wrong Turn Analysis

The scene opens with an establishing shot over a forest, there is a long road in view. This image suggests a possible entry but as the road does not end this may suggest no escape. The camera then begins to "fall" into the forest, resembeling the idea that you are trapped in the forest. During this very first scene, white credits run over. I feel it is interesting that the titles are white as white is usually used to represent innocence and purtity, although It stands out on the back ground image. 

At the start of the opening, there is some music played above the titles. This creates an eerie atmosphere and helps to create that "horror movie" feel. This music runs over the titles and fades out when the characters come into shot, then the main sound is diegetic speech. This music starts to play again when the main male character "disappears", again creating that "horror movie" feel and also adds to the eerie, creepy atmosphere of the film. The music always builds up when tension or fear is built up aswell, the music adds to the suspense of the film.

At the very start of the film a lot of birdseye view shots are used, this helps to establish the environment of the film and shows where it is set.The long shots are usually shot as a low angle or high angle shot. These I feel have been used in order to give the sense of vulnerability as if someone is watching over you. At one point in the opening there were a lot of cuts between the low and high angle shots, this gives the feeling of confusion- which helps make the audience feel part of the film. 

The second scene of the film opens with the 2 main characters on the side of a cliff, climbing it. They are shown with a high angel shot, looking down on them. This makes them appear to be very small and . That they are weak and therfore easy targets. Stereotypically the male character is infront of the female character. There are only two characters in the opening of this film, one male and one female. Stereotypically the girl is blonde, wearing pink and "below" the man. 
When the male dissapears, she is put into the common "Damsel in distress" role and is left vulnerbale without the male character. Like in all horror films male and female stereotypes are followed, having the men shown as strong and protective postions and women in the helpless and vulnerable position. However sometimes this can be broken, in this opening the male character isnt shown to be strong, even though he reaches the top of the cliff first, he seems to be killed very easily by the killer in this film. He is quickly removed from the film without saving the girl or being the "hero".

This film is set in a forest, which is a common converntional setting for a horror film, this setting creates the feeling of isolation which is also a main theme in horror films. Unusually the opening of this film is set during the day, this is very interesting because horror films are stereotypically set at night. Although i do feel that this works well because it gives the impression that even during the day you arent safe. 

After this main part of the opening, when the female character has been dragged off into the woods the screen goes black and moves into the main title sequence, the titles are played over jerky, quite disturbing shots of the forest and newspaper articles which talk of disfigured mountain men. Quite music is played over the top of these images. This gives a very mysetrious feel to the scene which is continued with the kery shots- the audiencde cant really understand what is being shown and have to piece it together gradually.
Again white titles are used which stand out agaisnt the dark colours used in the shots. This lasts for around 3 minutes until the film gradually moves back into the story.

Jeepers Creepers 2 , Research

Overall, Jeepers Creepers 2 was not very interesting or remotely scary. But I understand everyone has different views on the film. Although the film let me down, I did pay attention to the opening of the film this was the only part that really caught my eye. It did a good job of establishing the location, time and gave me 'as a viewer' a clear view of the killer. It also followed the typical conventions of a horror opening, there was a killing in the first 10 minutes. From the picture on the left its clear to see the secluded location.

Jeepers Creepers 2 (400X268)As the film continues the opening becomes a subplot, it then merges with the mainplot half way through the film. By then we have typcially seen many characters forget about the threat, already been exposed to the secluded location which is the corn field and school bus trapped in the middle of no where to follow this their radio fails, but manages to pick up signal to the other characters truck ( from the subplot ) this is how it brings them together.

Friday, 30 September 2011

29th September - Horror Conventions

All genres of film have certain convetions that you typically expect to see so in todays lesson we looked at a range of typical horror conventions. These will give us a good idea of the things to include in our horror film trailer.
Secluded location-  There are a range of locations that directors can choose for the setting of their horror film, places where there will be no signal or no one else around to help. Such as ghost towns, haunted houses, cave, fields or the woods. To give the audience the feeling of lonlieness. A good example of this is 
(EMBED YOUTUBE VIDEO Titled : The Blair Witch Project (Horror & Ending Scene)

Power cut/ Phonelines are cut-
This is a typical convetion either the 'killer' cuts off the line, or the victims battery runs out on their mobile phone. This is to create the sense of helplesness and also to show the audience there is no way out and no one to help them e.g family, friends or the police.

Flash back/forward in time-
This is to give the audience the general idea of what the film is about were its set and normally the reasoning behind a haunting or how a certain location became the way it is.

Forgetting the threat-
Horror fims usually contain characters that seem to forget a threat which is among them, this is mainly used in teen horror films where a moment of distraction is used and a scary noise draws the characters attention towards the threat. This ia normally used it modern horror films as its a good effect to the film as it grips the audience's attention.

                                                  Avoiding Escape-
When death or danger occurs in an inside place, chracters normally run upstairs then out of the front door either due to them forgetting or the front door is locked. Normally the victim will run into a bedroom/bathroom where there is a lesser chance of survival. In these situations chracters tend to hide behind doors or crouch behind a window giving the killer an easier way in which in turns puts the character in more danger this makes the audience anxious and using some scary tension building moment can be a very significant part in the film.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

29th September 2011 -Codes and Conventions in Horror

Codes are systems of signs which created meaning. Codes can be divided into catergories, Technical and Symbolic.

Technical Codes - The ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text.

Symbolic Codes - Shows what is beneath the surface of what we see.

Conventions - conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. Every genre of film have certain "typcial" conventions which the audience expect to see.

Monday, 26 September 2011

26th September 2011 - Horror Film Research

In todays media lesson we were all given an individual horror film to research. 
Suspiria (1977)
Directed by
Dario Argento

Produced by
Claudio Argento

Written by
Dario Argento, Daria Nicolodi

Starring Jessia Harper
Stefania Casini
Flavio Bucci
Miguel Bose
Alida Valli
Joan Bennett

Music by Goblin
Dario Argento Cinematography 
Luciano Tovoli

Editing by Franco Fraticelli

Distributed by Blue Underground (DVD)
Nouveaux Pictures

Release date(s)

February 1, 1977 (Italy)
August 12, 1977 (US)        
Running time 92 minutes  , 98 minutes (Unrated)
                                                                      Made in Italy
Language’s : Italian

Suspiria (1977) is an Italian Horror film directed by Dario Argento and co-written by Argento and Daria Nicolodi. The film follows an American ballet student who transfers to a dance academy in Germany, only to discover that it is controlled by a coven of witches. 
Dario Argento was born in Rome, Italy on September 7 1940. He is the son of producer Salvatore Argento. He began his career as a movie critic for the Rome daily newspaper.                                                                             .

It was also one of the final feature films to be processed in the Italian processing plant of technicolour before it was closed. Suspiria is the first of the trilogy, Argento refers to as "The Three Mothers" followed by Inferno and The Mother Of Tears.

The film has become one of Argento's most successful feature films, receiving critical acclaim for its visual and stylistic performance, outstanding colors, and soundtrack. It has been nominated for two Saturn Awards: Best Supporting Actress for Joan Bennett in 1978 and Best DVD Classic Film Release in 2002. The film has since become a cult classic.

Suspiria has received critical acclaim from contemporary critics. According to review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes the film receives a 94% "fresh" rating based on 31 reviews with the consensus "The blood pours freely in Argento's classic Suspiria, a giallo horror as grandiose and glossy as it is gory". Rotten Tomatoes also ranked it 41 on their Best Horror Movies 2010 list. Whilst some critics praise the film's visual performance, outstanding use of colour, and soundtrack, others have criticized it for its lack of sense and puzzling storyline.

Suspiria stars:
Jessica Harper

Stefania Casini