Kim - Ours film is called project shadow. Our film is set in a small town in 2011.
Lauren- A group of girls have the task of creating a horror film for school.
Kim- They find themselves the perfect location to set there horror film.
Lauren- Unfortunately shadows are lurking, and they sense danger after coming across numerous dead animals.
Kim- As the girls head home, several shadows start to appear and the atmosphere suddenly changes.
Lauren- The film follows the girls as they try to escape the shadows and slowly lose everything around them.
Kim- We chose to use typical horror conventions for our film as we feel the target audience can familiarize with our characters and the location they have been placed in. From our research we found that using familiar settings give the audience a bigger scare.
Lauren- We decided on a film rating of 15 as we feel this is suitable for them to watch our film.
Thank you for listening.
Your blog is not up to date as of the time of this comment Lauren. Your blog represents that of a student who is not keeping up to date with the work set and who is going to fail to meet her target grade because of this. You must look back through my blog and ensure that you have evidence for all work that needs to be completed. If you are unable to meet my expectations, my only option is to arrange to discuss your progress with your parents in advance of the scheduled parents evening.